Lausanne 2009
2009 Sustainable Academic and Corporate Campuses
On June 10-12, 2009, the network’s third conference was held in Lausanne. The conference was organized by EPFL and jointly hosted by the ISCN and the Global University Leaders Forum – GULF – of the World Economic Forum.
ISCN/GULF Conference 2009, June 10-12 in Lausanne, Switzerland
The goal was to encourage broad participation from representatives from academic and corporate organizations in a format that was built upon previous ISCN meetings, and included a one-day leadership track for University Presidents and Corporate Senior Executives.
ISCN/GULF Conference Summary 2009
ISCN/GULF Conference Program 2009
89 participants represented 41 universities in 22 countries and 5 continents.
ISCN/GULF Conference Participants 2009
Conference Sponsor
Foundation “Les Bois Chamblard”
Media presence
Conference Presentations and Documents
University and Senior Corporate Leaders Track (Track B)
Patrick Aebischer, President, EPFL
Hans B. Püttgen, Director Energy Center, EPFL
Roland Stulz, Director, Novatlantis
Yves Loerincik, EcoIntesys
Ralph Eichler, President, ETH Zurich
Julie Newman, Yale Office of Sustainability
Markus Lehni, Environment and Energy Manager, Novartis International
Joe Mullinix, Deputy President Administration, National University of Singapore
Summary Working Group I: Award Program
Summary Working Group II: Charter and Guidelines
Summary Working Group III: Decision Mechanisms
Summary Working Group IV: Integration Education, Research and Facilities
Sustainable Campus Professionals and Faculty Track (Track A) Keynotes and Plenary Presentations
Jean-Louis Scartezzini, Director Solar Energy and Buildings Physics Laboratory EPFL
Markus Lehni, Environment and Energy Manager, Novartis International
Plenary on Integrating Sustainability in the Institutional Mindset
Marcelo Fernandez, Chancellor, International University of Ecuador
Christine Bratrich, Director of ETH Sustainability
Jenny Su, Director Department Environmental & Occupational Health, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Plenary on Planning and Decision Making
Julie Newman, Yale Office of Sustainability
Hidetsugu Kobayashi, Chairman Research Committee Urban Planning and Design, Hokkaido University
Joachim Brünner, Head Corporate Account Management Research & Education, Siemens AG
Plenary on Energy and CO2 Strategies
Michael Bienias, Director of Estate Management, University of Cambridge
Bill Odell, HOK design team for KAUST Campus
Raphael Llamas, Total Environmental Safety, Bunge Europe
Working Group Workshop Presentations
Working Group I: Award Program will be published soon
Working Group II: Charter and Guidelines
Ariane Koenig, University of Luxembourg
Bojan Baletic, University of Zagreb
Marie-Gabrielle Méry, FONDATERRA France
Working Group III: Financial and Decision Mechanisms will be published soon
Working Group IV: Integrating Education, Research and Facilities
Eddi Omrcen, University of Gothenburg
Karen K. Oates, U.S. National Science Fondation
Milena Rafols, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
Clemens Mader, University of Graz
Juan Reiser, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Networking of Networks Plenary
AASHE: Steve Mital, University of Oregon
AAAS: Kaja Brundiers, Arizona State University
COPERNICUS: Clemens Mader, University of Graz
Asian Networks: Ann Kildahl, University of Hong Kong