Gothenburg 2011
Pathways to Progress: Demonstrating Campus Sustainability
The 5th annual ISCN-GULF conference took place on June 8-10, 2011. The conference was hosted by the University of Gothenburg, and jointly organized with the International Sustainable Campus Network.
The 2011 conference explored the full breadth of campus sustainability topics covered by ISCN working groups – performance of individual buildings, campus-wide planning and target setting, and the integration of research, education and facilities. Discussion included a review of the first-ever ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter reporting season, and it featured the presentation of the 2011 ISCN Sustainable Campus Awards.

2011 ISCN Conference Agenda
2011 ISCN Conference Summary
2011 ISCN Conference Attendee List
Conference Presentations
A list of all the presenters is provided in chronological order by format. For those speakers who included a visual presentation, the file can be downloaded as linked below. For those who did not provide a visual presentation, please see the Conference Summary for a short description of what was discussed.
Plenary Sessions
Partnerships & Outreach Plenary
Heather Henriksen, Director, Office for Sustainability, Harvard University
Jenny Forshuvfvud & Jennica Kallstrand, Environmental Coordinators, Chalmers University of Technology
Steve Lanou, Deputy Director of Environmental Sustainability, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Reporting What Matters Plenary
Dominic Brem, Deputy Head of Security, Human Health, & Environmentl, ETH Zurich
Xu Lidong, Professor, Tsingua University ‘
Joseph Mullinix, Deputy President (Administartion), National University of Singapore
Future of Sustainability in Higher Education Plenary
Ann Kildahl, Sustainability Manager, University of Hong Kong
Chris Powell, Director, Sustainable Energy & Environmental Initiatives, Brown University
Neal Dunstan, Landscape Architect, University of Pretoria
Leadership Panel Discussion
Campus Sustainability Award Ceremony
Summary Reports from the Working Groups
WG2 Summary: Campus–Wide Planning and Target Setting
WG3 Summary: Integration of Learning, Research, Campus Development and Community Engagement
Peer-to-Peer Sustainability Workshop
Next Steps for the ISCN
Bernd Kasemir, ISCN Program Manager
Appendix: Inputs to the Working Group Sessions
Ying Hua, Cornell University
Sandra Wohrer, Technische Universitat Braunschweig
Bart Meehan, National University of Australia
Mikala Holme Samsoe, Danish University & Property
Bojan Balatic, Zagreb University
Angela Mensing-de Jong, University of Applied Sciences Dresden
Hisashi Komatsu, Nagoya University
Tomas Refslund Poulsen, Copenhagen University
Takao Ozasa, Hokkaido University
Ariane Konig, University of Luxembourg & Nancy Budwig, Clark University
Leanne Denby, Macquarie University
Daniel Lang, Leuphana University