
The Sustainability Governance & Leadership Community of Practice connects higher education institutions dedicated to advancing sustainability through effective governance and leadership practices. This Community of Practice focuses on embedding sustainability into institutional decision-making, policies, and leadership structures to drive long-term change. Members collaborate to share strategies for fostering leadership buy-in, engaging stakeholders, and creating governance models that support sustainability at all levels. Through knowledge exchange and peer learning, participants empower their institutions to lead the way in building a sustainable future.

John Robinson

John is the Co-Chair of the University of Toronto’s Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS), where he collaborates with Ron Saporta, the university’s Chief Operating Officer and fellow Co-Chair, to drive sustainability initiatives across the institution. Together with CECCS staff, they focus on transforming the university’s approach to sustainability in teaching, research, operations, and community engagement, with a particular emphasis on governance and leadership.

Ajman University
ETH Zurich
Freie Universität Berlin
Harvard University
IE University
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Koç University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Politecnico di Milano

The University of British Columbia
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Melbourne
University of Gothenburg
University of Leeds
University of Strathclyde
University of Toronto
University of Zurich
VU Amsterdam

How to Join

We are excited to invite ISCN members to join the Sustainability Governance & Leadership Community of Practice.

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