Zurich 2007

2007 Best Practices, Future Challenges

ISCN Conference 2007, April 25-27 in Zurich, Switzerland

The establishment of the International Sustainable Campus Network occured in the course of the international kick-off conference held on April 25-27, 2007 in Zurich.

Objectives of the conference

The organizers wanted to provide a discussion platform on recent advances in sustainable campus design and development worldwide, with a focus on sustainable building design, energy-efficiency and renewable energy applications as well as on processes for holistic campus planning and organization.

The conference was devoted to sharing case study presentations on international best practice examples, and to have workshop discussions on energy on campus, holistic campus planning, institutionalization of sustainable campus management, and future challenges.

The presentations and discussions were held at Science City, dinner was at the zero-energy research building ‘Forum Chriesbach’ with the opportunity of a guided tour of this new landmark building.

Press release

 Press release (english)
 Press release (deutsch)
 Statements (english)
 Statements (deutsch)

Conference Proceedings

 2007 Conference Summary

Plenary and panel session presentations

 Presentation – Gerhard Schmitt Opening, ETH Zurich
 Presentation – Roland Stulz, Novatlantis
 Presentation – Leigh Sharp, Harvard University
 Presentation – Therese Brekke, Stanford
 Presentation – Peter Hopkinson, UK HEEPI
 Presentation – Susumu Nagai, Hosei University Tokyo
 Presentation – Rocky Young, Los Angeles Community
 Presentation – Roland Brouwer Mozambique, Polytechnique of Mania
 Presentation – Kees Christiaanse, ETH Zurich

Panel A1

Institutional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies

 Panel A1 Julie Newman, Yale
 Panel A1 Alexander Wokaun, Paul Scherrer Institute
 Panel A1 Paul McArtain, Dundalk Institute of Technology
 Panel A1 Klaus Helling, Environmental-Campus Birkenfeld

Panel A2

Campus Master Planning and Public-Private-Partnerships

 Panel A2 Michael Salzmann, ETH Zurich
 Panel A2 Larry Eisenberg, Los Angeles Community College District
 Panel A2 Hans Halvorsen, University of Copenhagen
 Panel A2 Joseph P. Mullinix, National University of Singapore

Panel B1

Locating Drivers for Sustainability in University Management Systems

 Panel B1 Claude Siegenthaler, Hosei University Tokyo
 Panel B1 Roger Baud, ETHsustainability
 Panel B1 Juan Reiser, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
 Panel B1 Per Lundqvist, KTH Stockholm

Panel B2

Sustainable Mobility on Campus

 Panel B2 Hans-Björn Püttgen, EPFL
 Panel B2 Roberto Battistini, Università de Bologna
 Panel B2 Eddi Omrcen, Göteborg University
 Panel B2 Bart Meehan, The Australian National University

Poster session

The conference was accompanied by a poster session presenting sustainable campus projects and the winners of the international competition «Sustainability at Science City».

 Climate Action Partnership
 Centre for Renewable Energy at Dundalk IT
 Green Bridge
 International Material Flow Management
 University of Oregon
 Seed Sustainability

Winners of the competition

 Science City is a provocation
 SyntETHetic Science City


About 60 decision makers on sustainable campus development and professional experts with responsibility for sustainable construction, energy issues at major campus sites worldwide.

 List of participants

Conference Program

 Conference Program «Best Practices – Future Challenges

Conference Sponsors

ETH Board, ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, City of Zurich, Philips

This conference was climate neutral