For more information on the ISCN-LATAM Chapter, see our Chapter website.
A legacy outcome of the 2019 São Paulo ISCN conference was the creation of the ISCN Latin American Chapter (ISCN-LATAM).
ISCN members collaboratively, can do much more in Latin America to provide a regional structure to support leading colleges and universities in the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices for achieving sustainable campus operations and integrating sustainability in research and teaching. Also important is outreach and engagement with local communities in their pursuit of sustainability.
The Chapter provides a forum to discuss common national, Latin American and global sustainability challenges and opportunities, while seeking ways to leverage the collective knowledge of ISCN members internationally.
The Chapter was founded by ISCN members from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, and Canada and now is looking to engage other ISCN members in Latin America to invite participation as core members.
Strategic Plan