Radical Reforms for the Campus of the Future

Session 2. Radical Reforms for the Campus of the Future

Wednesday, June 8th, 11:00 – 12:30 Hong Kong Time (UTC+8)


A net-zero campus in 2050 probably does not resemble our campuses of today.  In fact, some suggest that even four-year undergraduate degrees may soon be obsolete as the emphasis shifts to life-long learning models and personalized student training.  This means that the combination of net-zero pressures and the restructuring of teaching and learning models will fundamentally transform campuses that are ready (and punish those that are not).  In this session, we will anticipate radical changes we might see in the coming decades and explore ways to get ahead of the curve for a soft (and sustainable) landing.

Session organiser

  • Davis Bookhart, Director, Sustainability/Net-Zero Office, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


  • Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Professor, and Director of the Common Core, University of Hong Kong
  • John Alejandro Dunn Insúa, Professor and Deputy Director of the CADI Editorial Project, College of Architecture and Interior Design (CADI), Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • David Galipeau, Founding Partner SDGx.io, Director, SDGx Near Future Lab

Relevant Links

Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab
Sustainability Net-Zero Office

Session recording

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