Empowering Sustainability: Ruta Azul Student Committee at Tec de Monterrey
The Ruta Azul Student Committee, (National Student Sustainability Committee), is a joint effort between Ruta Azul, the Sustainability and Climate Change Plan, and the Student Leadership and Development Office (Student Affairs) at Tec de Monterrey. Encompassing student representatives across 26 campuses from both high school and university, the committee is dedicated to addressing sustainability challenges and amplifying student engagement in sustainability and climate action.
The representatives are part of Student Groups and the Student Government, and are entrusted with representing the student community, aiming to ensure a collective approach to sustainability concerns.

First Generation (2022 – 2023)
The inaugural cohort (2022-2023), initiated in October 2022 with 32 students, embarked on the ambitious task of designing a national project to propel Tec’s sustainability goals. This endeavor resulted in the creation of the En Ruta: Declaration of Sustainability of Student Groups. From February to April 2023, the committee conducted surveys and workshops in all campuses to gather the vision of Student Groups surrounding sustainability, and organized events such as reforestations and zero-waste workshops to complement the efforts.

During the second anniversary of the Sustainability and Climate Change Plan in April 2023, the committee presented the declaration, pledging to the following key commitments:
- Cultivating a proactive culture in climate emergency awareness among Student Groups.
- Empowering future Student Group members to implement sustainable actions in event planning.
- Integrating climate change and sustainability into semester plans and annual project activities.
- Encouraging specialized groups and committees within Student Groups to address sustainability issues.

Second Generation (2023-2024)
In September 2023, the new cohort of the Ruta Azul Student Committee, consisting of 54 students, began their operations. En Ruta: Declaration of Sustainability of Student Groups was the cornerstone for the ongoing efforts of the 2023-2024 cohort, inspiring the decision to update the Sustainable Events Guide for students. This document is the student version of the institutional Sustainable Events Guide and serves as set of guidelines for sustainable actions in all events organized by students.
Between January and May 2024, the committee will work closely with Ruta Azul in updating the guide, to make sure student’s need and ideas are included and recognized.
The ultimate vision of the committee is to nurture a student community committed to sustainability. The Ruta Azul Student Committee is a clear example of the university’s efforts to engage its community.