Sign up for the City-University Partnerships / Metropolitan solutions workshop at ISCN 2019!
We look forward to welcoming you all to the University of São Paulo (USP) for the ISCN 2019 Conference !
Following Day 3 of the main conference, there will be an optional workshop offered to all interested conference attendees.
City-University Partnerships / Metropolitan solutions: Towards an externally funded ISCN Community of Practice
Hosted by Leendert Verhoef, AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and Michael Bossert, HFT Stuttgart
Friday, 14 June at 14:00
Cities around the globe are taking a leadership role in sustainability and resilience, yet few are doing so in partnership with their local universities in an intentional, system-wide and cross-disciplinary way. On the other hand, few campuses have a strategic framework in place for working with their city, yet significant resources are flowing to cities and universities for research and operational projects related to urban sustainability.
ISCN is well positioned as a network representing leading global universities and could help coordinate this type of city-campus collaboration, and has initiated a seed project to propel this line of thought.
In this workshop, we will progress the work in one of the ISCN SEED funds building a city-university assessment framework and extend the inventory of examples of city-university co-operations. We will discuss the work of participants with relation to their cities, ways for knowledge exchange on partnering between cities and universities, and potential funding sources for future joint work.
We would welcome all members and other interested parties to join in. The setting will be a real cop-working space, with no presentations. It builds on the presentation in the Plenary session on Tuesday. We would appreciate if you notify us by enlisting in advance ([email protected]), so we can arrange the appropriate space.
ISCN 2019: Keynote Speakers Announced! (updated)
We look forward to welcoming you to the University of São Paulo (USP) for the ISCN 2019 conference! The theme this year is "Partnerships for Progress". As ISCN 2019 conference planning advances, we are delighted to announce our keynote speakers.
Professor Patrícia Faga Iglecias Lemos as Day 2 Keynote
We are pleased to welcome Professor Patrícia Faga Iglecias Lemos as our keynote speaker on Day 2. Professor Lemos is an Associate Professor and Lecturer at the USP and serves as an Academic Advisor for Masters and Doctorate Courses in the School of Law and in the Environmental Sciences Programme. Professor Lemos has previously served as the Environmental Secretary of the State of São Paulo, Head of Environmental Affairs at USP, and President of CETESB, a São Paulo State Environmental Company.
Conference registration will remain open online until June 1. We encourage you to register, book your accommodation, and stay tuned for more exciting conference updates to come!
For more information on the conference, please contact [email protected].
Professor José Goldemberg to address conference delegates
We are honored to have Professor Goldemberg as our opening keynote as we welcome delegates to the ISCN 2019 conference. Professor José Goldemberg earned his Ph.D. in Physical Sciences from the University de São Paulo in 1954, where he held the position of Full Professor in the Engineering School’s Physics Department. He was Rector of the University from 1986 to 1991. A Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has served as the President of Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science and President of the Energy Company of the State of São Paulo (CESP).
ISCN 2019: Conference Registration Now Open!
We look forward to welcoming you to the University of São Paulo (USP) for the ISCN 2019 conference! The theme this year is "Partnerships for Progress".
The aim of the 2019 ISCN Conference is to emphasize the power that collaborative partnerships can have in the role higher education institutions play in progressing sustainable development. ISCN 2019 at USP will feature inspiring talks, collaborative sessions, practical case studies and a celebratory evening event. Connect, learn and share in a highly engaging and participatory manner, and return to your campus rejuvenated and full of ideas to implement.
We encourage you to register, book your accommodation, and stay tuned for more exciting conference updates to come!
We hope you can join us at USP on June 11-14 2019.
For more information on the conference, please contact [email protected].
Showcase your work at ISCN 2019!
Don’t miss out on your chance to showcase your work at the ISCN 2019 conference on 11-14 June at the University of São Paulo!
The theme of this year’s conference is Partnerships for Progress. This year we will “crowdsource” content to be presented at the conference. We want to hear from you on what is most pressing for you right now – topics may relate to any aspect of sustainability in higher education institutions.
Please visit the abstract submittal system on the ISCN website to submit your abstracts for conference proposals (including oral or poster presentations).
Abstracts are due by 31 January 2019.
If you need any assistance, the ISCN Secretariat will gladly support you.
Please note: In addition to abstract and content submission for presentation at ISCN 2019, ISCN members have another opportunity to share work in the 2019 ISCN Best Practice Report. Please log in to the Members-Only website to submit your 1-2 page executive-level case study.
ISCN Members and Conference Registrants: Free Webinar Opportunity!
KTH and Harvard Pre-Conference Webinar on Tuesday, May 15, 11am EST
The ISCN and KTH conference planning team is excited to announce a unique offering to ISCN members and conference registrants: A free webinar with KTH and Harvard University!
Join Heather Henriksen, Managing Director of Sustainability at Harvard and Göran Finnveden, Vice-President of Sustainability at KTH as we explore the interconnections between higher education research, climate change, health and society.
In a conversation with Heather, we'll learn about Harvard's recently released Climate Action Goals and the connections between climate change, health impacts, and multi-disciplinary climate research. To make tackling climate change more collaborative, tangible, and inclusive, Harvard is hoping to reframe how we address the issues of climate change by addressing the role it plays on human health and prosperity.
Echoing this sentiment will be Göran, who will discuss how fully integrating sustainability in the core activities and in the day to day operations and campus development is a priority at KTH. He will also discuss how KTH’s sustainability objectives and targets are used to monitor and follow the progression of the integration of sustainability at KTH. In addition, KTH contributes to a number of research areas addressing challenges and solutions concerning climate change and emissions, circular and bio-based economics, sustainable urban development, digitalization for a sustainable society, public health, and transport. As one of Europe’s leading technical universities, KTH works for the development of society by taking a holistic view and systematic approach to sustainability within our education and research.
If you are an ISCN member and/or you have registered for ISCN 2018, you will receive an email invitation inviting you to join this exciting webinar. ISCN members, you will receive this invitation as well.
Please check your inbox for registration details.
About Heather Henriksen
Heather has served as Harvard University’s chief sustainability officer since 2008, advising the President and senior leadership on strategy and building an organizational change initiative that resulted in the University achieving its initial science-based climate goal of a 30% net reduction in emissions. Heather’s office oversees the implementation of Harvard’s comprehensive Sustainability Plan and Harvard’s new Climate Action Plan setting fossil fuel-free by 2050 and fossil fuel-neutral by 2026 targets. She and her team has expanded a multi-disciplinary living laboratory research program that partners with faculty and students to use the campus as a test bed for piloting and sharing innovative solutions to real-world sustainability challenges. Heather is also leading an effort internally and externally to address health in the built environment.
Heather manages external sustainability partnerships with higher education, businesses and government. She is an acting Advisory Committee Co-Chair of ISCN. Heather holds a Master in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School.
About Göran Finnveden
Göran Finnveden is Professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis and Vice-President for sustainable development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden. His main research interest is the use and development of life cycle assessment and other sustainability assessment tools. His contributions include both methodology development and case studies. He also works with environmental policy. Application areas include buildings, energy, ICT, transportation, urban development and waste management. He is a member of the editorial boards of six scientific journals, the board of the International Sustainable Campus Network and on the Swedish Government’s scientific council on sustainable development. Finnveden has published extensively and is frequently cited. As Vice-President he is responsible for the integration of sustainable development in education, research and collaboration across the whole university. He is also a member of KTH's strategic management council.
ISCN Webinar: The Road to Market Transformation: Preparing Students for 21st Century Careers in Sustainability
Friday, April 27, 2018
10:00 - 11:00 EST
The vision at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation. Its mission is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. Through its community network, continuous collaboration with industry experts, market research publications and LEED professional credentials, its global staff is working every day to help advance spaces that are brighter and healthier for us to live, work and play in.
The USGBC is committed to transforming how buildings are designed, constructed and operated through LEED, the foremost program for the design, construction, maintenance and operations of green buildings, homes, cities and communities. With 164 countries implementing LEED and a global network of professionals holding a LEED credential this tool has transformed the building industry since its inception in 2000. Now LEED is partnering with a wide range of programs that address other aspect of the built environment such as materials, landscapes, transportation, infrastructure and investment to help accelerate the pace of market transformation.
Join Jaime Van Mourik, Vice President for Education, as she describes USGBC’s roadmap for market transformation which includes LEED and other green business certification programs, explores how industries are integrating sustainability into business practices, and discusses how USGBC is preparing students for 21st century careers and helping to graduate global sustainability citizens.