Paola Visconti

Since 2019, Paola Visconti has held various positions related to social responsibility, sustainable development, and climate change at Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has served as the leader of social responsibility at Tecmilenio and as the Sustainability Engagement Manager at Ruta Azul in the Office of Sustainable Development and Engagement. Paola is Co-leader of Ruta Azul, Tecnológico de Monterrey's Sustainability and Climate Change Plan. In this role, alongside key internal partners at Tec de Monterrey, she seeks to advance Ruta Azul aspiration to build a sustainable future by adopting a proactive culture in the face of the climate emergency, reflected in actions of MITIGATION, ADAPTATION, EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND OUTREACH, which will lead us to BE A MODEL OF A SUSTAINABLE INSTITUTION.

Big Idea(s) for Advancing Sustainability in Higher Education

What does the world need most right now?

In general terms, the world needs a rapid transition to renewable energy, systemic policy change and strong global agreements, investment in adaptation, and financing for climate action, restoration and nature-based solutions, just and equitable transitions and education for the climate emergency. We desperately need stronger cross-sector collaborations. Mostly, universities need to build a culture of sustainability and foster decision-making through the lens of sustainability.

Leadership and Inspiration

What does effective leadership look like to you?

Effective leadership means opening doors for others, making sure that people have the resources they need to advance their goals and objectives. A leader's job is not to tell others what to do, but to listen, to convene, to give opportunities and support others to achieve shared goals.

Tenacity and Perseverance

The climate emergency feels like the greatest challenge of our lifetime – what keeps you inspired?

The people I work with keep me inspired. I see people everyday that are working hard, in research, operations, education, fostering a culture of sustainability.

Fun Fact

What is a job that you have had that would surprise your colleagues?

For three years, I coordinated an early childhood program where we visited toddlers and their parents in their homes twice a week for 48 weeks to promote early literacy and strong positive parent-child relationships. This was in the South Bronx, New York with the Mexican community. I learned so much about resilience, family and community building.