Sign up for the City-University Partnerships / Metropolitan solutions workshop at ISCN 2019!
We look forward to welcoming you all to the University of São Paulo (USP) for the ISCN 2019 Conference !
Following Day 3 of the main conference, there will be an optional workshop offered to all interested conference attendees.
City-University Partnerships / Metropolitan solutions: Towards an externally funded ISCN Community of Practice
Hosted by Leendert Verhoef, AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and Michael Bossert, HFT Stuttgart
Friday, 14 June at 14:00
Cities around the globe are taking a leadership role in sustainability and resilience, yet few are doing so in partnership with their local universities in an intentional, system-wide and cross-disciplinary way. On the other hand, few campuses have a strategic framework in place for working with their city, yet significant resources are flowing to cities and universities for research and operational projects related to urban sustainability.
ISCN is well positioned as a network representing leading global universities and could help coordinate this type of city-campus collaboration, and has initiated a seed project to propel this line of thought.
In this workshop, we will progress the work in one of the ISCN SEED funds building a city-university assessment framework and extend the inventory of examples of city-university co-operations. We will discuss the work of participants with relation to their cities, ways for knowledge exchange on partnering between cities and universities, and potential funding sources for future joint work.
We would welcome all members and other interested parties to join in. The setting will be a real cop-working space, with no presentations. It builds on the presentation in the Plenary session on Tuesday. We would appreciate if you notify us by enlisting in advance ([email protected]), so we can arrange the appropriate space.