ISCN at COP26: Science for Net-Zero Transition meeting report

The United Kingdom (UK) hosted the twenty-sixth United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November 2021. The climate talks brought together over 30,000 delegates, including heads of state, climate experts and campaigners to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change.

ISCN with CESAERScience Europe and the University of Strathclyde joined forces to co-organise a symposium in the fringe of COP 26 which brought together universities, national research performing organisations and research funding organisations to look at how we collectively upgrade our ambitions, and how we can work together with non-academic partners shaping knowledgeable societies for a sustainable future.

The event was a great success with 100 participants connected from 35 different countries around the world.

You can find the recordings by following the links below:

The four partners have now jointly-released a report to reiterate their engagement to the Call to Action and their commitment to continue their cooperation, leading a session on ‘Engaging Researchers for the Net-Zero Transition’ on 15 July at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2022) and reconvening at COP27 in November 2022.

Full report



ISCN, CESAER, Science Europe and the University of Strathclyde team up to organise Symposium at COP 26

The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), CESAERScience Europe and the University of Strathclyde have joined forces to co-organise a symposium in the fringe of COP 26 in order to to address questions about how We, universities, research funding and performing organisations, can nurture researchers, teachers, students, support staff and leaders to deal with the breadth and complexity of the net-zero transition.

Realising the net-zero transition concerns an enormously complex challenge requiring collaboration across all disciplines, communities, institutions and involving societies across the globe. We aim to discuss how to transform our institutional practices, and build alliances with other actors, globally and locally.

The symposium will bring together universities, national research performing organisations and research funding organisations to look at how we collectively upgrade our ambitions, and how we can work together with non-academic partners shaping knowledgeable societies for a sustainable future.

More information can be found on the CESAER website: Science for Net Zero at COP26

A meeting with ELSEVIER-Measuring Sustainability in Research Through the SDGs

On the 24th of February (14h-15h30 CET),following the two meetings ISCN has hosted with QS and THE on sustainability rankings, we had the opportunity to expand and explore how information service providers identify SDGs in the research output they measure. On this occasion we had the pleasure of hosting M'hamed el Aisati, VP of Product Management, Funding and Content Analytics at Elsevier.

The session was moderated by: Kristina von Oelreich (KTH) and Alexander Nebel (EPFL)


Next steps on developing UN sustainability indicators with the ranking agencies

You may remember that ISCN organized on June 24th a virtual event on the topic of: Times Higher Education Impact Ranking: a catalyzer towards more sustainability in Universities? The video of the event can be found here.

As a follow-up of the results that were drawn then, two events were organized with Times Higher Education and QS on the topics of sustainability metrics in academic league tables.

A) October 29th 

Meeting with Duncan Ross from Times Higher Education on the future developments of THE Impact ranking (keywords identification of sustainability in research, etc.) and to respond to your questions.

Meeting 1: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM CET (UTC+1)

Meeting 2: 5:00-6:00 PM CET (UTC+1)


B) November 4th 

Meeting with Daniel Kahn, Leigh Kamolins, and Andrew MacFarlane from QS on their intention to include sustainability in their global ranking.

Meeting 1: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM CET (UTC+1)

Meeting 2: 5:00-6:00 PM CET (UTC+1)


ISCN Virtual Events Series: Strengthening the exchange of knowledge and ideas amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

As the world adapts in order to move forward amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the ISCN has quickly reoriented its efforts to bring members and non-members together by providing virtual platforms that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas. A clear example of these efforts has been this year’s first series of virtual events, which took place between the 14 May and 24 June of 2020.

The ISCN Awards Ceremony 2020

The ISCN 2020 Awards Ceremony was held virtually on 14 May 2020 and brought together 343 attendees from over 40 countries. The Awards Ceremony received significant positive feedback, with particularly positive comments regarding the event as an opportunity to learn more about the winning initiatives.

The ISCN 2020 Award winners:

34 applications were received from 25 institutions across the four ISCN Awards categories - Whole Systems Approach, Partnerships for Progress, Cultural Change for Sustainability, and Honorary Member Award.

The 2020 awardees were:

  • Cultural Change for Sustainability Award: Thammasat University, Thailand [video]
  • Whole Systems Approach Award: Chalmers University of Technology and KTH, Sweden.[video]
  • Partnerships for Progress Award: LUT University, Finland.[video]
  • Honorary Member Award: McGill University, Canada.[video]

You can watch the awards ceremony's eye opening keynote by climate change expert and leader of ETHZ’s climate physics group, Reto Knutti, by clicking this link. You can watch the full ISCN 2020 Awards video here.

Student Engagement for Sustainability on Campus: an ISCN Student-led Virtual Session

The second event of the series, “Student Engagement for Sustainability on Campus” took place on 28 May 2020. This event was conceptualized, organized and coordinated by students of member institutions. As such, it was a solid step for “increasing student involvement with the network”, one of the goals of the ISCN strategic plan 2020-2023.

The webinar, moderated by Dario Siegen (ISCN 2020 Conference’s student coordinator), included a keynote from Marie-Claire Graf (founder of the student initiative Sustainability Week International), engaging presentations from Sharina Ligtelijn and Marijn van Steen ( members of the Green Teams TU Delft), as well as interactions from the audience. This webinar hosted 654 attendees from 44 countries. In addition, a second part of the event was geared towards working group sessions in breakout-rooms for 55 participants.

You can watch the webinar by clicking this link.

Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking: a catalyzer towards more sustainability in Universities?

The third and final event of the first series of virtual events for 2020 was the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking: a catalyzer towards more sustainability in Universities event, which hosted 377 attendees from over 40 countries.

The event was moderated by Kristina Von Oelreich (Sustainability Manager-KTH) and Alexander Nebel (Head of Institutional Data Management-EPFL) and was framed around the presentation of the results of a survey on the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking conducted among leading universities in sustainable development by the ISCN’s Times Higher Education Working Group.

The webinar included a keynote debate between Janet Hering (Director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)/Professor of Biogeochemistry at ETHZ and EPFL) and Göran Finnveden (Environmental Strategic Analysis and Vice-president for Sustainable Development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology). Additionally, six ISCN representatives of member institutions presented their testimonials pertaining to the potential and challenges of the THE Impact Ranking. You can watch the full video here.

Overall Experience for Members and Non-Members

The first series of ISCN virtual events have been a resounding success with over 1,374 attendees and excellent reviews and levels of satisfaction. We look forward to bringing you the second series of virtual events that will kick-off in October and will run through December 2020. We hope to see you all there.

The ISCN Secretariat

Times Higher Education Impact Ranking: a catalyzer towards more sustainability in Universities?

[Click to download presentation]

The program includes:

A. Keynote debate between:

  • Janet Hering, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) and Professor of Biogeochemistry at ETHZ and EPFL.
  • Göran Finnveden, Environmental Strategic Analysis and Vice-president for Sustainable Development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

B. Presentation of the results of a survey on the THE Impact Ranking conducted among leading universities in sustainable development.

C. Testimonials from 6 ISCN member Universities on the potential and challenges of the THE Impact Ranking.

Presented and moderated by:

Kristina Von Oelreich, Sustainability Manager-KTH

Alexander Nebel, Head of Institutional Data Management-EPFL[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

ISCN Student Led Virtual Event

Student Engagement for Sustainability on Campus

an ISCN Student-led Virtual Session

In this interactive webinar, we explored the role of students in their efforts to accelerate climate action and sustainability in higher education! Participation was open to all interested parties and not exclusively students. Please watch the whole webinar below:

Keynote speech: 'Youth Empowerment in Higher Education and beyond'

Marie-Claire Graf is a Swiss youth advocate for sustainable development and climate action. She is the president of the Swiss Associations of Student Organizations for Sustainability, co-founder and core-team member of the Sustainably Week Switzerland and Sustainability Week International, vice president at the think tank Swiss Youth for Climate and YOUNGO Focal Point 2020, the official youth constituency to the UNFCCC.

[Download Presentation Here]

Session: 'GreenTeams - Student-led teams working on the integration of sustainability into their faculty and education'

Sharina Ligtelijn is a master student in Mechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. She has been a part of the very first so called GreenTeam at TU Delft. This is a team of students working on integrating sustainability into their own faculty of TU Delft. She is currently setting up more of these teams across campus since she is the GreenTeams Coordinator at the Green Office of TU Delft (GreenTU).

Marijn van Steen is a master student in Industrial Design Engineering, the chair of GreenTU and former student representative in the Student Council, where she put sustainability on the agenda on a university-wide level.

More info on the GreenTeams:
[Download Presentation Here]

[Worksheet GreenTeams Workshop]

ISCN Virtual Events for 2020

ISCN Virtual Events

The disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have changed the way we communicate, share ideas and move our institution’s mission forward. In line with this, ISCN leadership is exploring online platforms and developing a robust calendar of virtual events that will soon be shared with ISCN members. This series of virtual events is aimed at energizing, engaging and informing ISCN members.

Confirmed Virtual Events so far – via zoom/YouTube channel from 15:00-17:00 CEST, Swiss time:

  • 14th of May 2020 ISCN Awards Ceremony 2020
  • 28th of May 2020 ISCN Student-led sessions (exact title tbc)
  • 24th of June 2020 Presentation of the results of the ISCN Working Group on the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking. (Exact date and time tbc)

Call for Virtual Event Proposals

ISCN would also like to invite its members in identifying ideas for virtual events (and possibly organise them) and now launches  a Call for proposals for virtual events.

If you are interested in hosting a virtual event or would like to share an idea or theme, please send us an email to [email protected] with the following subject headline: ISCN Virtual Event Proposal. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2020.

Virtual events proposals led by more than one ISCN Member are highly desirable and will be given preference. They will be programmed from September 2020 onwards (about one event per month). Please note that ISCN members who propose virtual events might be expected to dedicate the necessary resources to bring the event to fruition (identifying and securing keynote speakers, structuring and designing the event, logistics, etc.). The ISCN Secretariat will support this process by providing visibility and publicity, communication to the ISCN community and beyond and by providing technical support for the virtual events if needed.

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and ideas. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to get in touch with us.

With kind regards,

The ISCN Secretariat


ISCN 2020: Accelerating Climate Action and Sustainability in Education Postponed to June 2-4, 2021

ISCN 2020: Accelerating Climate Action and Sustainability in Education 24-26 June 2020


New Dates: June 2-4, 2021

The ISCN Board of Directors, in accordance with the global efforts to manage, contain and minimize the effects of COVID-19, has decided to postpone the ISCN’s 14th International Conference, ISCN 2020: Accelerating Climate Action and Sustainability in Education to 2-4 June 2021 on EPFL Campus in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The ISCN Board of Directors, Advisory Committee, Secretariat and Conference Planning Committee would like to thank all ISCN members and other Conference contributors who have worked hard to bring ISCN 2020 to life. We look forward to collaborating with you going towards ISCN 2021! The Conference Program that was planned for ISCN 2020 will be kept for ISCN 2021 to the extent possible.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us an email: [email protected].

With our very best wishes to you and your families during these challenging times,

The ISCN Conference Organizing Committee

Announcement: UAS Spring Campus Conference 2020 launches call for oral & poster presentations

Spring Campus Conference 2020: “Commitments for Future: Sustainability in Higher Education”

We are delighted to announce that the calls for abstracts for oral & poster presentations for the 5th Spring Campus Conference of the University Alliance for Sustainability: “Commitments for Future: Sustainability in Higher Education” are now open. The conference will be hosted at Freie Universität Berlin from March 30 – April 3, 2020.

Program focus and objectives

In 2019, social movements raised the awareness of climate change and sustainability in public and scientific discourse, urging political leaders, business executives, and public institutions to “act now, not later”. This discourse has also reached Higher Education Institutions around the world. While sustainability has been increasingly rooted in research, teaching, and on the university campus, the current development has brought a new political and social dimension to campus:

  • How do universities as public institutions respond to calls for action from their community and stakeholders?
  • How do universities shape their governance structures in light of new participatory demands?
  • How does the current discourse impact the societal and political role of universities?

The Opening Day on March 30th will address those commitment questions in key notes as well as in a panel discussion focusing on the core pillars of Higher Education Institutions: research, teaching, campus & management, and transfer & outreach activities.

On Tuesday and Wednesday (March 31 – April 1), we will continue with a program of parallel research and management workshops:

  • Workshop I: "Financial Markets and Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change" organized by Prof. Kurt Hübner (University of British Columbia), Dr. Berthold Kuhn (Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Itay Fishhendler (Hebrew University)
  • Workshop II: "From Innovation to Acceptance: Challenges and Potentials of a Sustainable Energy Transition" organized by Dr. Maria Rosaria di Nucci and Bettina Tacke (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Workshop III: "Higher Education for Sustainability in Turbulent Times"  organized by Prof. Inka Bormann, Dr. Mandy Singer-Brodowski and Nora Große (Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Robert VanWynsberghe (University of British Columbia)
  • Workshop IV: "Digitalization: Opportunities, Challenges and Impacts on Sustainability Management in Higher Education" organized by Andreas Wanke and Katrin Schweigel (Freie Universität Berlin)

We invite researchers, practitioners, PhD students to submit contributions for the research and management workshops. Additionally, a PhD Workshop will be organized, which will conclude the Spring Campus Conference with a two-day meeting on Thursday and Friday (April 2 – 3). Further information and the calls for contributions for the Spring Campus Conference 2020 are available on this website: In case of any questions you are welcome to contact UAS network manager Katrin Schweigel ([email protected]).