Excellence in Building and Innovative Infrastructure
University of Copenhagen
Maersk Tower – one of the world’s most sustainable laboratory buildings. Mærsk Tower is a landmark in central Copenhagen with its 15 story facilities (42.000 m2) for medical research and education. Leading scientists perform research within fields vital to the future treatment of cancer, dementia, diabetes, heart conditions and allergies.
Solutions to sustainability challenges has been integrated into the design and construction of the building covering aspects ranging from environmental aspects as climate change, watersavings to green roofs and biodiversity. 1. class cyckling facilities. Campus Park and facilities open to all ads value to the local community and the sourrounding city. Open space research facilities and meeting places facilitates collaborative research.
Excellence in Campus Planning and Management Systems
Stanford University
Beginning in 2008, Office of Sustainability (OOS) launched several campus engagement and behavior change programs aimed at spreading awareness, increasing engagement, and capturing tangible conservation savings at Stanford. At a building level, many of these programs have done well, but at an individual level they had yet to yield significant results. In today’s increasingly technological and personalized world, OOS sought to provide opportunities to engage its audience in a way that is relevant, accessible, and measurably impactful.
The program begins with an initial survey to generate suggested actions most pertinent for each individual based on their role on campus. Each suggested action includes details to help them complete the action and connect them to the plethora of programs and resources available to the Stanford community. Users login to their custom dashboard to track their progress, and receive points for each action that they successfully complete, earning a reward after a certain amount of points. The platform incorporates opportunities to test social normalization among different groups with flexible and custom content, messaging, and actions. Individuals re-take the survey on a bi-annual basis to measure prolonged impacts and change over time. The program also allows OOS to segment messages to different user groups based on their level of participation, so that champions receive a different message than those who have minimal engagement.
Excellence in Innovative Collaboration
Freie Universität of Berlin
Schools@University is an innovative inter- and transdisciplinary educational format that builds bridges between academia and civil society. Young students of grades 5-6 and their teachers are invited to FUB twice a year to gain in-depth knowledge on sustainability issues and critical thinking skills empowering them to effect changes within their everyday world and in society at large. The format is based on two pillars: 1) A one-week program for 10 -13 years-olds featuring 75 interactive and participatory workshops. 2) A half-day practical teacher training to encourage application of lessons learnt in their respective schools. Together with 90 partners from academia (students, scientists and administration staff), the State of Berlin, local businesses/companiess, art and culture institutions, as well as NGOs we develop the workshop designs. With so far 17 annual programs and 1,026 workshops and 17 teacher trainings we reached out to 24.659 young students and 3.181 teachers. The format is collaboratively funded by the university, the State of Berlin and three .Schools@University is an experienced and evaluated model, which can be easily replicated and adapted by other universities. A handbook and a resource guide compile the essentials of our education experiences in developing and organizing Schools@University programs and trainings
Excellence in Student Leadership
University of Cyprus
SAVES2 aims to encourage sustainable energy behaviours among 219,000 university students in seven European countries to help them reduce their exposure to fuel poverty and install good sustainability habits. It incorporates two strands that engage students living in university accommodation and in the private-rented sector.
Students living in university accommodation are encouraged to participate in inter dormitory energy-saving competitions at their university; in SAVES2 38,000 students living in 14 universities participate each academic year. With the help of student ambassadors, that are identified and trained in each dormitory, the campaign motivates students to save energy and win prizes as a result. Social media is used to tap into student communities and raise awareness of how students can save energy in a fun way. A dashboard is used to feedback to students in near-real time on the performance of their dormitory in the competition encouraging further action. The private rented sector campaign reaches over 100,000 students when they are looking for, moving into and living in the privaterented sector. It enables students to make better informed decisions at the point at which they are selecting a rental property thereby routing purchase decisions towards higher efficiency properties.
2018 ISCN Award Finalists
Building and Innovative Infrastructure
Ritsumeikan University
University of Genoa
Nanyang Technological University
University of Oxford
Campus Planning and Management Systems
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
The University of Melbourne
Innovative Collaboration
University of Lausanne
International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU)
Harvard University
Simon Fraser University
Student Leadership
UCSI University
Swiss Sustainability Week