One of the world’s best business schools, HEC Paris has been a leader in research and education in management sciences for 140 years. We offer a unique portfolio of programs designed for a carefully selected student body.
Having an IMPACT, not only on business but on society as a whole, is the primary vocation of HEC Paris. To achieve this, our school must draw on its three priceless assets, which are also its pillars of excellence: research, education and action. The three-part motto, THINK, TEACH, ACT which is at the heart of HEC’s mission.
At HEC Paris, the environment is at the heart of our Sustainability strategy. Climate and environmental issues, along with the preservation of resources and biodiversity, inspire our research production, our teaching, our campus management and our initiatives in society.
Diversity and Inclusion
HEC Paris promotes diversity, equity and inclusion, with over 130 nationalities and diverse social and cultural backgrounds represented on campus. With several official referents, professionally trained in anti-discrimination, HEC Paris aims to contribute to respecting the differences of all populations in our ecosystem.
Since 2020, HEC Paris has made commitments to Global Compact and PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education), and completed the Extra-Financial Performance declaration.
In June 2024, HEC Paris was awarded the “DD&RS” (Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility) label for higher education and research.
Marine Franchino
Corporate Sustainability: https://www.hec.edu/en/overview/who-we-are/sustainability
Sustainability & Organization institute: https://www.hec.edu/en/faculty-research/centers/sustainability-organizations-institute