Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) is a private University committed with providing high quality education and promoting the formation of global leaders, capable of reinventing themselves through innovation, sustainability and internationalization.
Since 2021 UIDE decided to join the Cintana Alliance and announced its world-class affiliation with Arizona State University (ASU). This initiative allowed the institution to join a consortium of high-impact universities that enabled its students, professors and researchers to access new opportunities for learning and scientific development.
The UIDE powered by ASU has the Galapagos Research Station; 3 university campuses located in Quito, Guayaquil and Loja; it is part of the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN); has an Alliance with the United Nations´ Global Compact Network and has a Green Point Certificate provided by the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador.
Contact: Andrea Jaramillo – [email protected]
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) es una institución comprometida en brindar una educación de calidad y formar líderes globales, capaces de reinventarse a través de la innovación, la sostenibilidad y la internacionalización.
En 2021 se une a Cintana Alliance y anuncia su afiliación de clase mundial a Arizona State University (ASU), iniciativa que le permite ingresar a un consorcio de universidades de alto impacto, a fin de brindar a sus estudiantes y docentes-investigadores el acceso a nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje y desarrollo científico.
La UIDE powered by ASU cuenta con el Galápagos Research Station; tres sedes universitarias ubicadas en Quito, Guayaquil y Loja; forma parte del International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), de la Alianza con la Red Pacto Global de Naciones Unidas; y tiene el Certificado Punto Verde del Ministerio de Ambiente del Ecuador.
Contacto: Andrea Jaramillo – [email protected]