RUB was the first university established in the industrial Ruhr-Area in 1965 with the purpose to give cultural, social and scientific impulses for the region and, especially, to educate non-traditional students. Located in the heart of Europe in the dynamic metropolitan region, RUB with its 21 faculties is home to 42,600 students from over 130 countries, including more than 3,600 PhD students.
RUB covers a wide range of disciplines, which is rare in Germany. Thanks to its flexible knowledge networks, the university continuously explores new fields of research and provides speedy responses to topical questions.
Research at RUB is characterised by interdisciplinary collaboration and networking. Researchers at RUB pursue interdisciplinary research projects in nine Research Departments – such as Solvation Science, IT Security, Materials Research, Subsurface Modeling and Engineering, Closed Carbon Cycle Economy. By this, they overcome the boundaries between different disciplines and strengthen knowledge exchange at RUB and beyond, with external partners within University Alliance Ruhr and among universities in Germany and abroad.
RUB is committed to sustainability and to sustainable campus development. By displaying tangible commitment, it contributes to significantly strengthening the public perception and self-image of Bochum as a vibrant university city. It is for this reason that RUB considers itself a key player in the interaction with the city and the region, in order to shape the future together in a sustainable way. This is also a part of the work within UNIC – The European University of Post-Industrial Cities where RUB is one of the partner universities.
At RUB, sustainability will be a major objective in the upcoming years until 2025. This is stipulated by the university development plan, where sustainability is one of six fields of action that are vital for the future development of RUB.
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